The LifeStar Junior Saver is a regular-premium interest-sensitive life insurance policy specifically designed to provide a lump sum of money upon maturity of the plan.

We all want the best for our children and grandchildren especially when they are progressing into adulthood. Whether you wish to help with funding university, starting a wedding fund or buying their first car, the LifeStar Junior Saver can get you started.
LifeStar Junior Saver enables a secure, steady build up of capital value over time, with increases to the policy account guaranteed after credit has been received. The sum insured consists of the annual premium multiplied by the number of policy years. Surrender changes may apply
Eg. A customer paying €2,500 in annual premium for 20 years has the added benefit of €50,000 life insurance payable immediately on their death.
In the event of your death, leaving a lump sum to children ensures they will have enough money to enjoy the lifestyle they deserve.