Your present and your future in perfect balance

Most individuals live 20 years on a pension, will yours be enough?
With the average monthly wage at €1,612, the average public pension amounts to just €750 per month (based on the latest Eurostat statistics, subject to change in the future).
By investing in LifeStar’s PENSION Plus, gradually securing peace of mind for your later years is only one of the benefits.
Other benefits include:
- Peace of mind for future finances
- Annual tax credits*
- 30% tax-free lump sum at retirement*
- Investment managed by professionals
- Protection in case of death
- Flexibility in investment contributions
- Fund switch options
* Conditions of eligibility include that the contributor must be minimum 18 years old, tax resident in Malta and tax liability has to exceed the tax credit. Subsidiary Legislation 123.163 which may be subject to change in the future applies.
Want to know more? Download our brochure for more information on our Private Pension plan.