Your employees will thank you today, and tomorrow. By offering LifeStar’s PENSION Pro plan as part of an employment contract, you can stand out from the crowd, as a recruiter that values their employees as individuals. Offering PENSION Pro as an employer not only reaps benefits for employees, but also for the company itself. Company benefits include: Increased employee motivation Employee…

Your present and your future in perfect balanceCalculate your pension here Most individuals live 20 years on a pension, will yours be enough? With the average monthly wage at €1,612, the average public pension amounts to just €750 per month (based on the latest Eurostat statistics, subject to change in the future). By investing in LifeStar’s PENSION Plus, gradually securing peace…

The LifeStar 102 Plan is a single-premium Life Insurance policy. It provides you with the comfort of a lump sum at maturity. Whether you are saving for an important milestone in your life, or for a financially comfortable retirement, The LifeStar 102 Plan is the ideal policy to invest in. At inception of the plan, we immediately credit your account…

The LifeStar Insurance Real Life Plan is a whole of life policy that is unit-linked based on your preferences, investment goals and risk tolerance. How can a Real Life policy by LifeStar Life Insurance plc help me and my family? Real life takes us through a series of ups and downs, joys and sorrows, unexpected windfalls and sudden expenses. What…